Friday, March 27, 2009

The Best Watchdog

It looks like the old joke has finally been proven true. We have one of those watchdogs that burglars fear the most - the kind they'll trip over in the dark! WebMd now verifies how effective they are!

In reality, she's a very sweet dog (ignore the reflective eyes in the photo) and an excellent watchdog...but clearly all bark!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Free Information

Not just the random posts in this blog, but actual useful information - business information. More specifically business phone numbers. I might be late to discover this, but for anyone else who might have missed it, Google has a 411 service that's free to use and even to auto-connect.

The service is described at and can be used by calling 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411). It might just be because I still have a restrictive cell phone plan, but free 411 is worth $1.50 a call to me if I'm out somewhere and need to call a business for directions.

For the Google world domination theorists, one final thought - it was interesting when I programmed the 411 number into my cell phone that T9 already knew "Google". Ah...I'll use it anyway, its free.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Successful Operation

This week's operation was a success by any standard. The old part that was causing all the trouble came out without any complications. It was actually an easy operation on a body that is considered old by today's standards. Everything is closed back up and functioning fine.

I'm talking about our main home computer of course, a commodity PC purchased for a rock bottom price about 4 years ago. The power supply quit working a week and a half ago and I've been waiting to be able to install the replacement. It was satisfying that something made to compete in a very thin profit margin environment was also designed to be serviceable. In an increasingly disposable, impatient society that seems a rarity.

My "other" operation was a success this week also. Thanks to all who prayed for me and my family during that time. I won't be like new as fast as our computer, but I'm doing very well.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Laying Down

This week I'm going to have my gall bladder removed (too much information?). Its an operation that has been becoming increasingly more necessary for me and so I'm hoping for a wide range of symptoms to go away after everything is healed. It is a common surgery, lasting only from 40 minutes to 2 hours, able to be done as outpatient if all goes well.

I'm not really excited about having four holes cut in my chest or the steps that follow, but I'm not really worried either. If I was going to worry, it would be about complications during anesthesia, contracting MRSA or a staph infection while in the hospital. The reality is that of course I have no reason to believe that any of that will happen. However, every time a person has surgery performed, there is a measure of some size in facing death. Without being overly dramatic, it does make you think.

This week I'm going to lay down and place (some of) the trust for my life in a team of medical professionals. Every day when I lay down I'm secure knowing that I've placed the trust for my life in Jesus Christ. This week or many years from now, I know my eternal destination is Heaven and that my salvation is secure. I know this not through anything I have done or accomplished, but because I accepted the free gift of salvation as offered to all by Jesus Christ when I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.

There is a God. He is real. We can know Him. He has a plan for your life. Have you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior?

If you want to know more about the Christian faith or accepting Jesus yourself, please follow the links provided and/or contact me. When I am back on my feet or at least able to sit in front of a computer again, I'll return any comments privately. At this time I don't have any interest in hosting a moderated debate via this blog. But I'm always interested in sharing the hope that I have. Ask me.

Looking forward to the future.