Saturday, September 11, 2010

Collected Entropy - 2010.09.22

Collected Entropy since the last post with this title. No particular order, rhyme or reason. Mostly too long to tweet.
  • "Do you prefer murder, misogyny or simple undirected anger?" Why does this question from the Sept 9th 'Zits' comic strip seem a little too close to real life.
  • Memorials are to help people remember, even keep them motivated. Apparently there are still people in federal agencies that understand that.
  • The Charlotte Observer started a public insight network to provide a structured way to obtain reader opinions. If they listen to views that differ from the editorial desk, this might be a blended media experiment that seems worth watching.
  • Cambridge MA may have Harvard, MIT and now parking tickets with yoga positions printed on them. To reduce the stress of the ticket. You can't make this kind of news up.


  1. Regarding memorials: I got to see the 9/11 memorial in the Pentagon where the third plane struck. Very sobering.

    Regarding yoga on parking tickets - I don't think they're trying some veiled attempt to blend Taoism and Buddhism into popular culture or anything, it just happens to be that Al Mohler just published a story on Yoga.

  2. I haven't seen any memorials in person, but 9/11 is always sobering for me. I was in New York at the time, about 20 miles north of the WTC location. Even outside the city, the fear and confusion is still vivid. Many associates had family, friends and fellow co-workers in the towers. When they fell, not only did the power grid go out, but the primary radio and TV antennas on each for the area went silent.

    The shock and uncertainty for the future in the isolation that followed is difficult to describe. In all though, it was nothing compared the unimaginable nightmare those at ground zero experienced.

    Memorials are good. Especially to those dedicated to preventing a similar attacks.
