This blog has been created for a while and yet there have been no posts. It could be that I was crafting the perfect initial post, or keeping true to the masthead and setting expectations low or maybe I'm overall just more interested in reading than writing. Could be some of each, it will have to be an exercise left to the reader - if there are any.
That having been said, something has to be first and so this post is it. Other than stating the obvious above, the only real purpose is to share the picture above, found on the pilgrim in a foreign land blog, which was in a list of sites recommended to me by a friend.
Which ever side of the political fence you lean to, I hope you found it at least slightly amusing. If not, you probably didn't make it this far anyway.
Disappointed? Oh, well - somethings gotta be first.
Congratulations! How do the wet feet feel?