Friday, September 10, 2010

Collected Entropy - 2010.09.10

Collected Entropy since the last post with this title. No particular order, rhyme or reason. Mostly too long to tweet.
  • Parental fears and reality don't always line up very well. As a parent, are you worrying about (defending against or preparing for) the right thing? Analysis by the NPR, citing independent sources, might help with the decision.
  • Comedians typically find easy pickings from the world of politics, at the expense of the politicians. Now it seems some politicians are taking their message directly to the comedians. What happened to reasoned analysis and debate?
  • The next time that someone trots out the old "bear in the woods" footrace analogy to belittle some problem, try explaining the prairie dog ecosystem to them as described by Robert Hansen. You'll get a business security perspective and an executive evaluation in the same article as a free bonus.
  • An example of where gun control worked, in Miami of all places, from the SunSentinel.

1 comment:

  1. WRT the Prarie Dog analysis, I think that's pretty accurate. There are far fewer privacy and other type issues in the news - not because they don't happen - but because I think a company is willing to take a lump (settle out of court) rather than fight in court and lose, thereby making an open season for lawsuits on other companies for the same issues.
