Friday, February 20, 2009

Doing More With Less

So you say visiting a blog is too much trouble? Already have enough things to read, do and keep track of? You wish blog authors would simply go back to mass emails? RSS can help. You'll still have to decide what is worth reading, but RSS is one of the few things that really enables you to do "more with less". In four easy and free steps that should take less than 10 minutes. Here is how:
  1. Sign up for a Google account and login. If you've already got a gmail account, just login. Even if you never intend to send a single email via gmail, get an account anyway.
  2. Visit a blog site that has RSS enabled (like this one!) and click the RSS icon in the address bar
  3. Choose the "Subscribe to 'Entropy By Design - RSS" choice in the dropdown that appears
  4. Click the "Add to Google Reader" button on the page loads next
Thats it. In the future, instead of remembering a list of sites you want to visit or managing a set of bookmarks, just visit Any sites you've subscribed to that have new content will be shown. No need to try and determine what news and articles are new, the tool does it for you. There is plenty of online help, such as keyboard shortcuts like "J", "K" and "V", but at this point you've learned all you need to know. Seriously.

To find additional sites, just click the "Add A Subscription" button while in Google Reader. Use any natural language terms ("Fox News", "CNN Money", etc.) to find things of interest to you. You can view and subscribe, all for free. Once subscribed the Reader will allow rapid navigation ("J") between article summaries, so you can select only the ones that interest you to view ("V"). A massive time savings over web browsing, print media and don't even get me started about television!

RSS allows you to read more, in less time, with less effort than you can imagine. Take control. Give it a try.

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